The Brahmand event, organized by the Geography Department of Harmal Pancharoshi Shikshan Mandal's Ganpat Parsekar College of Education, Harmal – Pernem, was held on 11th January and showcased the impressive talents of our students.
Webinar on Road Safety
Nirmala Institute of Education, Altinho Panaji Goa under the aegis of IQAC conducted an online webinar on 'Road Safety' for the first year and second year B.Ed. students on 10th January 2022 from 3.00 pm to 4.30 pm. The resource person for the webinar was Assistant Sub Inspector Mr.Tukaram Shet Mandrekar from the Traffic Cell, Altinho Panaji. He discussed various issues related to the obeyance of traffic rules and suggested various measures on 'Road Safety' in his online interaction with the students. It was an informative and enriching session for the teacher trainees.
IQAC Coordinator
Mrs.Suvarna Gauns