Celebration of Maths Day 2024

The 19th of March 2024 brought excitement to the entire department of B.Ed. as the mathematics students expanded the limits of their creativity and energy in organizing “Mathematica” A single day event to celebrate mathematics and all its wonders.

With an aim to be unique, the students strayed from the usual concept of performing a play on stage, to make Mathematica a more inclusive event, inviting students from all pedagogies to participate in competitions designed around common mathematical concepts. This inter-pedagogy event consisted of on stage as well as off stage events, in which students of different pedagogies competed. The treasure hunt was an outdoor event with participants running from pillar to post, collecting clues, remembering their school math as they raced against time to win the prize by solving simple math puzzles at each step.

The Mehendi and t-shirt painting competition saw just how creative our students can be. With two students participating from each pedagogy, they presented exquisite artistic designs using math concepts like the golden ratio or the more commonly known geometric figures.

Participants of the photography competition captured stunning visuals of that day, making sure to cover all the happening events.

The Quiz was organized on stage and despite the activities held across campus, the main hall also had a sufficient number in the audience. Students cheered along their teammates as they battled it out on stage.

The second year mathematics students conducted themselves in a manner befitting students of Nirmala Institute of Education, organising the entire event smoothly and professionally under the guidance of their professor Miss. Numismate Pinto. The event was concluded by summarizing the points won by each pedagogy and the overall prize was awarded by Dr. Sr. Delia Antao.