Digital Technologies are the Future
A 2 day National Conference entitled ‘Digital Technologies are the Future’ was organised by Nirmala Institute of Education, Panaji, in association with the Directorate of Higher Education, Porvorim on 24th and 25th October. It focused on the rapid advancements in technology and their potential to shape the future across various sectors. The conference opened with a warm welcome address by the Officiating Principal, Dr. Delia Antao. The Director of Directorate of Higher Education, Shri. Bhushan Savoikar, graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Dr. Rita Paes also addressed the gathering. A common thread that ran through all the speeches was a sense of readiness to embrace digital change without compromising on human ethics.
The Keynote address was presented by Dr. Anup Kumar Maurya- Associate Professor at Goa Institute of Management. Dr. Maurya generated a deep curiosity in envisioning a virtual future created by digital technology
In all 23 research papers were presented at the conference out of 37 papers published in the conference proceedings
On the second day, the speaker at the plenary session was Dr. K. Thiyagu, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Central University of Kerala. Among the key points in this session was to quote " Technology is a useful servant but a dangerous master" He enlightened the audience with the magic of live online demonstrations of various AI tools suitable for teachers e.g. using ""
The Chief Guest, for the Valedictory function as Dr. Gervasio Mendes, Additional Director of Higher Education, Porvorim . He highlighted the importance of continued collaboration to address the complexities of digital transformation. He said that digital technologies hold immense potential to solve many of today’s challenges, but we must work together to ensure they’re used for the benefit of all.”
The programme Coordinator Prof. Dr. Maya Carvalho e Rodrigues concluded by thanking the Management, Faculty, Speakers and the Director of Higher Education for all the help rendered.
From Left to Right Prof.Dr.Maya Carvalho e Rodrigues (programme Coordinator)Dr.Keshav Dhuri (Assistant Director , Directorate of Higher Education,Porvorim; Dr Gervasio Mendes (Additional Director, Directorate of Higher Education; Dr.Delia Antao (Officiating Principal , Nirmala Institute of Education);Ms.Olga Vaz (Vice President ,Nirmala Education Society) and Dr. K Thiyagu, Assistant Professor, Department of Education, Central University of Keral, Kasargod)