The Brahmand event, organized by the Geography Department of Harmal Pancharoshi Shikshan Mandal's Ganpat Parsekar College of Education, Harmal – Pernem, was held on 11th January and showcased the impressive talents of our students.
Under the expert guidance of Science Method Master, Ma'am Pratiksha Shirodkar, F.Y.B.Ed science methodology students at Nirmala Institute of Education undertook an engaging Tree Identification Activity.Venturing through the greenery of the campus, students worked in pairs to gather information about various trees.Students were instructed not to pick the same tree to make each choice unique.The enthusiasm to explore and identify distinct trees added a sense of variety to the activity. Each pair carefully documented details such as the scientific name, family, common name, local name, and the ecological significance of a chosen tree. This process not only involved scientific identification but also highlighted the importance of understanding local names and ecological roles.Following data collection, students showcased their creativity by preparing visually appealing tags. These tags, printed on A4 or A3 paper, became informative displays for selected trees. The goal was to enhance understanding of campus biodiversity for both students and visitors.
Sr. Delia the college Headmistress played a significant role in marking the culmination of the project. Taking the lead, she hung the printed tags around the first few selected trees. This symbolic gesture not only showcased the students' efforts but also officially integrated their work into the school's environment, fostering a sense of pride.Sister Delia's involvement added a special touch, recognizing and celebrating the students' dedication to this educational initiative.