Atmashodha Counselling Centre

The Atmashodha Counselling Centre responding to the urgent need for counsellors in the State of Goa began with the purpose of catering to the needs of various groups ------ students, parents, corporates etc .

The objectives of the cell cover a wide variety of services such as:-

  • Testing and career guidance
  • Handling socio – emotional  problems
  •  Personality development and the building of intrapersonal  and interpersonal relationships.

Since its inception it has conducted work- shops in career guidance for schools / Higher Secondary institutions

Workshops for workers / parents of  Nestle  and  MRF

Workshops for faculty of Higher Secondary Institutions

The cell has offered Testing services to approximately 3000 students in the State of Goa and from other States and the Middle East countries.

Contact No: 7768802003

E-mail  ID:
